“Almost Mailed” Puppy Gets Adopted!

Guess, the Minnesota puppy who almost got killed when his owner tried to MAIL HIM to Georgia…..has a new home! Over 50 people showed up on Friday for the drawing to adopt Guess, the schnoodle. Terri Ford threw her arms up in the air with excitement when she found out her name had been selected in the drawing. She passed the pre-adoption screening and is taking Guess home to live with her and her cat Danvers.

The Minnesota animal shelter has been able to parlay Guesses notoriety into more pet adoptions! Even though most of the 50 people left without Guess many of them left with another pet! Congrats Guess!

Nearly Mailed Puppy Goes Up For Adoption!

Guess, the poor Schnoodle (Schnauzer-Poodle Mix) that was almost mailed by a woman in Minnesota, has a happy ending in the near future! He is going up for adoption on Friday, according to an article from MSNBC

My sweet Abigail is a schnoodle so this story is near and dear to my heart. There are a lot of good people who want to provide this little superstar with a loving home and a careful screening process will assure Guess will be going to a place with lots of love for him!

Minneapolis Woman Who Tried To Mail Puppy Asks For It BACK!

Unbelievable!! The Minnesota woman who outraged animal lovers across the country has the nerve to ask for the dog BACK! Yes, I kid you NOT! I cannot get the video to load so go HERE to see it courtesy of CNN.

I do feel kind of bad……if she is really that ignorant…..but I get the feeling she is putting on a show. Thank you JUDICIAL SYSTEM (we don’t get to say THAT very often!) for stamping DENIED on her forehead!

Minnesota Woman Tries To Mail Puppy In Box

People kill me….they really do…..Here comes a report from the Huffington Post of a Minnesota woman who tried to mail a 4 month old poodle mix puppy in a box….no air holes by the way…..Fortunately postal workers became suspicious when the box fell off the counter on its own after the woman left. The dog was found panting inside with no food or water. Local police said the pup surely would have died in the non-heated, non-pressurized cargo compartment of the plane.  She has been charged with cruelty and the pup was placed in a shelter.

How stupid do you have to be…..really….to do something like this?

“The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” – Charles de Gaulle